Artist's images, musings, and observations
about life in the time of corona
Artist's images, musings, and observations about life in the time of corona
Omicron Edition 2022
Quarantine Halloween

The pandemic and this year’s relentless stream of scarier-than-any-true-crime news is doing strange things to many of us. I had two dogs when it started. Now I have three. Desperate...
Thank God for Dogs!

Never before has the companionship of a dog meant more than during this pandemic. As we shelter in place and wait for the next turn of events, there’s one thing...
Leading with Dignity in Times of Crisis

After spending two decades facilitating dialogues for some of the world’s most intractable conflicts (Israel/Palestine, Northern Ireland, Colombia, Sri Lanka, US/Cuba, Libya to name a few), one day I had...
New Normal

Covid-19 has provided me with an opportunity to reassess process and subject matter in a number of ways. At the start of the pandemic, my practice mainly consisted of attempting...
PL Recommends #4

In this installment of PL Recommends, we look at how art can keep us connected when the pandemic keeps us apart and how artists are creating messages encouraging communities to...
Drive-in Diversion

One really exciting event we looked forward to each fall was the annual Montclair Film Festival, now in its 10th year. But because of Corona restrictions we can no longer...
At the Start of This

I live alone in Boston, in a small garret at the top of a 19th-century townhouse in the Back Bay neighborhood. From this perch I am fascinated by the layers...
Who Could Have Imagined…

It's almost trite to see a slice of life in the time of Corona and ask, "Who could have imagined this...X months ago?" But it's still the question that runs...