Dance Brought Happiness Back…

I don’t think I really understood how much I loved to dance until the pandemic hit. I had always danced, whether it was in the living room doing interpretive dance to my dad’s CDs as a child or in classes at the rec center. In high school I was on the Hip Hop Team and…

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It Never Entered My Mind

Sometimes I love to express the nostalgia and mixed feelings about being surprised and unaware. And these times certainly are filled with elements of surprise and opportunities for nostalgia.     Copyright © 2021 Stanley Sagov Stanley SagovStanley Sagov leads an intense dual life as a physician (Family Practice Group, The Sagov Center for Family…

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“Limbs” is a series created during the pandemic year of 2020 that I have continued into 2021 to express my lingering questions about a new beginning. Many times, I have said to myself, “When will this pandemic be over? Will it really be over even when we can be around others with no mask and…

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Which Way?

It seems that we’re at an inflection point, with the end to the acute phase of the pandemic is imaginable. Once the scourge of 2020 is in our rearview mirrors, we’ll have important choices to make. Will we go about our business as usual, or will we take the lessons we’ve learned and perhaps live…

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Release. Allow escape from confinement; set free. To quote Indian novelist Arundhati Roy in her article “The Pandemic is a Portal”:   “Historically, pandemics have forced humans to break with the past and imagine their world anew…We can choose to walk through it, dragging the carcasses of our prejudice and hatred, our avarice, our data…

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Monday “Masks of Boston” 2021 #5

Who do you wear a mask for? (Ed. Note: Each Monday, The Pandemic Lens publishes an image from Katherine Taylor’s “Masks of Boston” project. To date, Kathryn has photographed nearly 300 people from all walks of life. Visit Masks of Boston to read the profile of each person and learn who they wear a…

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We’re Back!

As I walk around North Cambridge, MA for exercise and photo opportunities, I pay close attention to the storefronts and restaurants. Some are hanging in. Others have said their goodbyes through heartfelt notes on their doors and windows. And still others are in a state of suspended animation; the lights are off, the signs from…

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Finding Meaning in Feathers

We can only speculate and wonder what the parrot-like petroglyphs in the North American Southwest, dated 5000 BC, or the ibis in Egyptian art, from 2000 BC, symbolized to their creators. We do know from later periods, cultures across the globe have attributed varied associations to them; from cranes and doves, to crows and eagles,…

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A Prayer in the Time of the Pandemic

During Covid, it’s been challenging, at times, for me to make art, to quiet my thoughts and stop doom-scrolling on Twitter. The practice of daily painting has helped. But what has brought me the most peace and inspiration are the long walks I take with my dog in the woods and hiking trails around New…

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The Stilling of Life

In March of 2020, as the reality of the pandemic was sinking in, I realized that the focus of my photography would have to change. I like to do street photography. But since the prospect of walking outside and interacting with people was no longer an option, I decided to turn to object photography. Initially,…

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