
My “Moongazer”” series portrays ancient legends that describe the power of the moon to radiate magic spells and cause people to oscillate crazily between sanity and lunacy. How appropriate for the range of behaviours we’ve seen during the pandemic. When we look back, I wonder if we’ll celebrate or go mad with despair. Kim CraigKim…

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A False Start to a New Beginning

New Beginnings is a work I painted last December, just as news of vaccine approvals was making headlines. It depicts that celestial moment when daybreak begins but the night sky is still above us. For me, it felt like the dawn of a new time for the world. The dark specter of the pandemic still…

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Small Things That Have No Words

When my father suffered his first heart attack in October, 1979, other farmers from our township brought their combines to our fields. They harvested our soybeans, loaded them onto their grain trucks, and drove them to the elevator, all on behalf of my incapacitated father. They did what their fathers had done, and their father’s…

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Delta Means Change

After getting vaccinated, I had curbed my (maybe unhealthy) fascination with my countys’ Department of Health data. And a handful of weeks ago? I had a skip-happy-hand-in-hand-with-the-CDC moment when I stopped for street corn, realized I had left the house without a mask, aaaand realized it was safe to pop in for my takeaway treat…

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