On the Bridge of Sighs

By C. Peter Erickson / February 16, 2021

As an architect, I am interested in how people move through space. Essential to this perspective is the passage of time. COVID-19 has brought us to a “new normal” and even beyond. This is uncharted territory for the world. Yet we persist, as individual travelers through this world, in sometimes diverse and sometimes conflicting ways.…

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From the Heart

By Maria Poroy / February 13, 2021

I started the heart series before the pandemic with no goal other than making something beautiful and decorative. The series was an experiment in form and color. But as the pandemic began, the hearts took on new meaning.  They became a conduit for expressing my own inner turmoils. And they became a way of connecting…

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The Pandemic and My Work

By Rolf Abendroth / February 12, 2021

I perceive the pandemic as a diffuse threat and a restriction on many opportunities for action and encounter in my life. Only one thing remains unrestricted: my work in the shelter of my studio. Here I feel free and safe.   Layers and blurring of colors and contrasts between light and dark open up the…

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Spiraling: Life in a Pandemic

By Tonya Brami / February 11, 2021

So many thoughts and emotions around COVID-19.  I had to paint it out—this emotional tempest in my mind. Our lives literally spiraling out of our control, our privileged lives restricted.     The spiral, bottom left, literally 2020 spiraling out of control. Collaged fragments of topographic maps from places we didn’t travel. A stylized COVID…

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Envisioning our Isolation II

By Allan Gorman / February 10, 2021

The following paintings continue a series that I started around the time Covid-19 entered our lives. The work extends my meditation on the loneliness and melancholia brought about by the pandemic. The new paintings are inspired by the plays of shadows and light, and the emptiness we find in our profoundly changed environments.    …

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By Nakia Young / February 5, 2021

“Limbs” is a series created during the pandemic year of 2020 that I have continued into 2021 to express my lingering questions about a new beginning. Many times, I have said to myself, “When will this pandemic be over? Will it really be over even when we can be around others with no mask and…

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Scorched Earth

By Linde Caughey / February 3, 2021

Scorched Earth is about the fires in California that have increased in number and size year after year as our climate continues to be compromised. In the year 2020, I began to see scorched earth destruction everywhere…thousands of preventable covid 19 deaths…continued racial horror… and outright attempted destruction of our Democracy. This was scorched earth…

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Our Face of Ours is Revealed in the New Year

By Jennifer Jean Okumura / January 30, 2021

Art and its ability to elevate people inspire me and how I perceived 2020 felt like every day for creatives. On some level, art is life—telling a story or simply creating is our lives. As artists, we are in tune with the activity of those, both past and present, who push the envelope to the…

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Finding Meaning in Feathers

By Joanne Tarlin / January 29, 2021

We can only speculate and wonder what the parrot-like petroglyphs in the North American Southwest, dated 5000 BC, or the ibis in Egyptian art, from 2000 BC, symbolized to their creators. We do know from later periods, cultures across the globe have attributed varied associations to them; from cranes and doves, to crows and eagles,…

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A Prayer in the Time of the Pandemic

By Kasey Kaufman / January 28, 2021

During Covid, it’s been challenging, at times, for me to make art, to quiet my thoughts and stop doom-scrolling on Twitter. The practice of daily painting has helped. But what has brought me the most peace and inspiration are the long walks I take with my dog in the woods and hiking trails around New…

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