Hope and Light

As a Californian, I realize every day how even in these unprecedented times, there is so much natural beauty reminding me that there is hope and light.  There are people, too, looking for and finding hope in their daily environment as in this street scene below: .     Copyright © 2021 Nadine Levin  …

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Letting Go of Winter

As some warmer days get sprinkled through March, I can’t help but think of Shakespeare’s opening line in Richard III, Now is the winter of our discontent.  Whether it is the minor struggles of cabin fever and too many Zooms, or the major devastation of lost lives and jobs, we are all tired and sad…

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A Covid Life for The Rabbi Goes West

Last March, Covid-19 crushed the independent movie world. Two major film festivals, South by Southwest and Tribeca, despite much-anticipated world premieres of documentaries and features, were canceled on the spot. Woe to the poor filmmakers who had spent years making their movies and then had their big break pulled out from under them. Some have…

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Generation Gap

It was a lovely day on the Jersey Shore. Not a cloud in the sky. The temperatures were pushing 60. And the people came out to walk the boardwalk in Asbury Park. All ages. Some bore the remnants of winter clothing. Some just wore t-shirts. Most still were masked, even as the ocean breezes emboldened a…

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Subjects Close at Hand

As the pandemic approached one year, I found myself struggling to find subject matter that seemed relevant to the times and to me. Before Covid, I was painting subjects from the retail world. I took that experience and transitioned to painting pandemic-related topics. Several of these paintings were posted earlier on this site. The most…

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Monday “Masks of Boston” 2021 #10

Who do you wear a mask for? (Ed. Note: Each Monday, The Pandemic Lens publishes an image from Katherine Taylor’s “Masks of Boston” project. To date, Kathryn has photographed nearly 300 people from all walks of life. Visit Masks of Boston  to read the profile of each person and learn who they wear a mask…

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Creating Marking Lives COVID-19

In December 2020, after nine months of COVID-19 deaths, I woke to the unsettling statistic that 270,000 people in the U.S. had died. The lives lost were simply numbers on the front page. The virus was impossible to ignore, but at the same time, somehow unmarked. I’m an artist who has been painting for forty…

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Pandemic Portraits in Brooklyn

All photos taken in Sunset Park and Greenwood Heights, Brooklyn The pandemic has obviously been a tough time for street photography. People are masked and less is happening outdoors. It’s been tougher to travel around the city. But it’s also become an opportunity and has changed how I shoot.     I had been focusing…

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Life in Transit, Madrid

In Madrid, Spain, where I live, I document the everyday behavior of my fellow citizens as they go about their daily live while attending to the recommendations that will help stop the coronavirus pandemic. Here is a sample of photographs that I took on public transportation during typical commutes. As you can see, life is…

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Discretion (Still) Advised

Saw this while waiting for my drink at Simon’s Coffee in Cambridge, MA, which is take out only.  A good reminder that we still need to be vigilant until enough people are vaccinated and the variants are understood. I am so looking forward to the time when the bottom piece of paper on the door…

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