Welcome the Rain

By Steve Bennett | October 17, 2020

I’ve been hoping for rain for two reasons. First and foremost, Massachusetts, like much of New England, has been in the midst of a significant drought for the past four months. While this has led to lots of welcome outdoor days, the effects of the drought are evident—so many distressed trees in the parks and on the streets.

Second, and certainly trivial by comparison, I’ve been wanting to photograph masked people under their umbrellas—I’m startled every time I see masks in a new context. (I’m thinking about winter garb, too.)

This past Monday the atmosphere cooperated with a nice steady rain that started the previous night and continued throughout the day. It was just a drop in the bucket in terms of denting the drought, but everything helps. And there were umbrellas and masks galore. Here’s a sampling:






Copyright © 2020 Steve Bennett
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