Ebb Times

By Joanne Tarlin | October 16, 2020

In April of this year, as the apple trees were budding and an abundance of water fowl near my home were nesting in preparation for their eggs to hatch, The Pandemic paid no notice. It raged on invisibly moving through communities while visibly wreaking havoc. I was teaching college students visual literacy via an online platform. Gaslighting and disinformation were topics I felt necessary to cover.  I also encouraged them to imagine how artists’ work would reflect this point in time. Their answers ranged from hopeless to optimistic. In my studio during that period, darkness prevailed, but with hope…in these dystopian landscapes, birds still fly.


“Pandemic Landscape 1,” watercolor on Arches cold press paper, 16″x12″ 2020


“Pandemic Landscape 2,” watercolor on Arches cold press paper, 16″x12″ 2020

Copyright © 2020 Joanne Tarlin
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