What About the Kids?

I’m so proud of the children in my neighborhood. They understand the seriousness of the coronavirus epidemic. They wear masks and play with siblings and sometimes with one pod-mate. Though they have greatly missed other friends and activities, camp and school, they do not complain. Here’s what I saw over the summer: big wading pools,…

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Middle Path

Since I’m an intuitive abstract artist, I don’t start with a plan. I just paint and see what comes out. I found painting during this pandemic to be strangely difficult at times, and at other times I was surprised with the results. I feel the lockdown gave me a way to dive deeper into painting…

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Music for Homeworking: A Lockdown Project

Well, it is official. Coronavirus lockdown has changed our working landscape for the foreseeable future. Recent polls showed that many people who have been working from home during the pandemic do not want to change the arrangement. It might be because of continued health risk worries, it might be that they do not want to…

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The Pandemic and the Great Outdoors

Based on my wanderings around Cambridge and the surrounding areas,  it’s clear that people are pretty much doing what they always did—just masked, for the most part, and socially distancing when possible. Here’s a collection of outdoor activities I’ve captured during the past couple of months. Including one that surprised me–an outdoor “chalk talk” in…

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An Only Child Prepares for the Pandemic

I learned at an early age how to be alone. I had no choice; I was an only child. I grew up on a farm in southeastern Illinois, so I spent countless hours entertaining myself. On occasion, children from a nearby farm would come to visit, but for the most part I was left to…

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The Virus Series

Since late March 2020, as the unprecedented lockdown/quarantine took effect across the Northeast USA, which has been my home for the past 30 years, I decided to visually document this historic and unparalleled moment in time through a daily journaling project.     These daily 10-15 minute sketches evolved into The Virus Series. These images…

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The Social Experiment

You know them as a statistic; but they are really just like us. In late July this year, as the world revealed a “new normal,” a small group of us at NYU Abu Dhabi decided to conduct a social experiment to tell a different story. This may not be the full story; still, it feels…

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We Are Grateful

In March, COVID-19 hit like a ton of bricks. Most of us tried to stay out of its way, but some people couldn’t shelter at home and had no choice but to confront the virus head on. Police, fire, grocery workers, health care providers, hospital staff went to jobs that had quickly become perilous. Some…

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No Joy in Harrison

On a recent photo excursion, I took some shots at an eerily empty professional soccer stadium, the Red Bull Arena in Harrison, New Jersey, home to the New York Red Bulls soccer club.  Empty, quiet, not a soul around. Ticket booths shuttered as no fans can attend any games during the pandemic. What a strange…

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Looking Up

It was July 31 and the highlight of our day, the evening walk. We serendipitously stumbled upon a live chamber music concert by the troupe Mistral in a local park. There in the center of the park, masked and distanced, the seven or so musicians played to an equally masked and distanced crowd. We delighted…

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