Middle Path

By Linda Higginbotham | September 20, 2020

Since I’m an intuitive abstract artist, I don’t start with a plan. I just paint and see what comes out. I found painting during this pandemic to be strangely difficult at times, and at other times I was surprised with the results.

I feel the lockdown gave me a way to dive deeper into painting and express this time from the depths of my being. I do feel there was a big shift in consciousness where people were becoming more aware of what was going on, so my first painting is “The Shift.”


“The Shift,” acrylic on canvas, digital, 30” x 40” (2020)


My second piece is called “Inner Peace,” and it’s about diving deep into ourselves and accessing the inner peace that cannot be lost.


“Inner Peace,” acrylic/digital mixed media, 24” x 36” (2020)


My third piece is called “Habituation,” and it’s about breaking out of the mental prison that we find ourselves in and focusing on what we can do, instead of what we cannot. It’s about not taking things for granted and letting the light in.


“Habituation,” watercolor/digital mixed media, 24” x 36” (2020)

Copyright © 2020 Linda Higginbotham
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