
By Atossa Rahmanifar | August 29, 2020

It was mid March and the concern that the world would face a serious pandemic had turned from “a possibility” into an undeniable “reality.” My trip to Ireland for an advanced cold wax painting workshop got cancelled. In a matter of days, we went into complete shutdown. I started painting even more!

I had completed a series of nocturn paintings during the winter, and, as days were getting longer, I decided to paint a series with dominantly light colors, which is not my usual palette. I picked three 22”x28” wood panels and started putting layers of oil and cold wax on them without having anything specific in mind, other than that the painting would NOT be a nocturn! As more layers and paint were added and shapes were formed, I noticed similar elements evolving on all the panels: detached black rectangles separated with borders. Similar shapes, similar palette, and yet each painting told a totally different tale.

The series became stories of isolation–stories with the same beginnings but very different endings. The isolation we all encounter no matter who we are, where we are, or what we have or have not, but we each feel it so differently


"Isolation I," oil & cold wax on wood, 28"x22" (2020)

“Isolation I,” oil & cold wax on wood, 28″x22″ (2020)


"Isolation II," oil & cold wax on wood, 28"x22" (2020)

“Isolation II,” oil & cold wax on wood, 28″x22″ (2020)


"Isolation III," oil & cold wax on wood, 28"x22" (2020)

“Isolation III,” oil & cold wax on wood, 28″x22″ (2020)

Copyright © 2020 Atossa Rahmanifar
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  1. Guity on September 1, 2020 at 11:33 am

    Thanks for sharing your thought process … Very interesting!

  2. Atossa Rahmanifar on September 1, 2020 at 1:58 pm

    Thanks so much my friend for your kind comment and support 🙂

  3. Reza on September 3, 2020 at 12:46 am

    I second Guity jan.

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