Fear on the Transport

The transit photos are made in the spring of 2020 in Sofia, Bulgaria. The first two months of the pandemic were total chaos. The city was closed and leaving it was not allowed. Most people were very afraid and they used everything to protect themselves. The public transport was one of the places were gathered…

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A Turkish Hospital: Pandemic Photos

When the pandemic struck, I had the chance to photograph the treatment processes of COVID-19 patients who came to the hospital where I work in Turkey. Since I’m a serious photographer, the pandemic presented a rare opportunity to combine my professional interests with my passion for photographic arts.  In this series, I captured some of…

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Spinning Our Wheels

Back in March 2020, our world as we know it turned upside down. As we tried to make sense of the fact that we were stuck in the middle of a pandemic called Covid-19, it felt like we were living in a dystopian novel. As people were getting sick and dying in the thousands, I…

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Quarantine Quilt: A Journal, A Meditation

On March 8, 2020, the cruise ship Grand Princess was headed toward the Port of Oakland, California, six miles from my home. Passengers on board the ship were suffering from a strange new Corona virus that seemed to be spreading like wildfire. On March 9, passengers infected with the virus were allowed to leave the…

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Finding Certainty and Self in COVID

The pandemic has changed much of what we took for granted. It has corroded the familiar and left many of us with uncertainty and doubt. I have seen the way my family and friends have handled the isolation, the loss of freedoms, and their vulnerability. I have witnessed deep introspection about our sense of self…

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Hope and Faith in What Will Be

The pandemic has made my resolve to help people find the wonder in all of creation through my artistic lens even stronger.  The piece depicted here, Hope, was completed as the pandemic progressed. The message, in the words of Buddha, is to accept what is, let go of what was, and have hope and faith…

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Recording & Honoring

Individually, or in combination, words have the power to evoke a range of human emotions: joy, humor, fear, grief, hope, love… That power, and how our interpretation of words, texts, and phrases changes according to our circumstances interests me.     In the time of covid was conceived during the initial months of our quarantine.…

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Pandemic Traces

These drawings were made during this past year of the COVID-19 pandemic, from March 2020 to March 2021. I think of myself as a landscape painter—I’ve been painting land/seascapes for more than ten years. When the stay-at-home orders began, I knew I wouldn’t be getting into my studio often. I grabbed some simple supplies so…

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Creating Marking Lives COVID-19

In December 2020, after nine months of COVID-19 deaths, I woke to the unsettling statistic that 270,000 people in the U.S. had died. The lives lost were simply numbers on the front page. The virus was impossible to ignore, but at the same time, somehow unmarked. I’m an artist who has been painting for forty…

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The struggle to leave the cocoon is what strengthens the butterfly’s wings so she can fly. From there,  infinite possibilities that await.  Connecting to the real world is what we have been missing lately when we shelter inside our own cocoon. At what point do we leave our safety, in another indeterminable metamorphose and fly?…

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