The Getaway, Part 1

C. J. Lori_Leaving the Beach House_oil on canvas_12 x 12
It was the time of year we most look forward to—early fall, when we would typically travel to Europe or take a cottage on outer Cape Cod. Clearly, our original...

Masks of Boston, Part 1

Cole Bascome-Duong and Maude Bascome-Duong
20 years old
Occupation: Students

Most challenging part of Covid19/this time in history?

Keeping a positive outlook (Cole)

Not being around other people, not knowing when that will happen again (Maude)

What has given you strength/ are there any unexpected positives from Covid19?

It reignited my passion for the visual arts that I didn’t have time for before the virus. (Cole)

I think one of the biggest positives is that the entire world is experiencing the same exact thing. I’m not sure when that will ever happen again but I think from this I have had a deeper appreciation for life and being around other people- a development of kinship. (Maude)

Who do you wear a mask for? 

My family and friends who are high risk. (Cole)

I don’t think I wear a mask for myself. I’ve gotten to the point where if I get sick- I’m sick and kind of have the thinking that it’s inevitable (which probably isn’t the best thinking) but I care more about spreading it to my family and other people. So I guess to protect the people around me. (Maude) .
As a photojournalist who has covered many stories related to COVID-19, I was acutely aware that the advent of this virus had enormous personal and professional long-term, serious implications. I...

COVID-19 and People in Pain

On November 3, the day of the United States presidential election, more people in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Minnesota tested positive for the coronavirus than on any other day since the...

I Am a Nurse

Long before the pandemic hit, the World Health Organization (WHO) had declared 2020 The Year of the Nurse, and now, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, it seems especially...


Bennett_Gewirtz_Adapting to Our Flattened Lives
For the past few years my work has been influenced by the time I spent in a part-time job at local Home Depots.  As I walked around the store, in...

Fine (Enclosed) Dining for Two

Talulla-Single +51 DSCF6977
I've been photographing a lot of outdoor dining setups in Cambridge, but the upscale Talulla's  “greenhouse” cubicles struck me as the most sophisticated, replete with elegant table settings for two...

Night Walk

Nightwalker drawing series (2)
These images are from a body of drawings and paintings that I created during lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic. The Nightwalker series pastel drawings record a passing sense of...

Motoring On

When I began documenting the pandemic in my area, I was looking for the signs of distress that we're all feeling. I still capture them whenever I can, but now...

The Short Season

My wife Cathy and I live in a subdivision called Margie’s Cove, where we have close friendships with a number of our neighbors. All through the spring and summer and...

Quarantine Portrait

Although I almost always paint in oils, during quarantine I had the strange urge to use watercolors for the first time in more than eight years. With all of the...