Quarantine Portrait

By Emily Toomey | November 12, 2020

Although I almost always paint in oils, during quarantine I had the strange urge to use watercolors for the first time in more than eight years. With all of the noise and stress in the world, switching to a new medium gave me a sense of calm and focus that I really needed. Quarantine Portrait is one of a handful of watercolor portraits I made when lockdown first started back in March. My partner drove up from DC to Boston to stay with me for what we thought would be a week, but what turned into more than two months. I wanted to capture the experience of looking out at the world and having the conflicting feelings of claustrophobia and safety. From a technical standpoint, it was also an opportunity to play with reflections and the effects of light passing through a grating.


Emily Toomey, “Quarantine Portrait”, watercolor on paper, 8″x6″ 2020


Copyright © 2020 Emily Toomey
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