Monday “Masks of Boston” 2021 #2

Vera Ventura 
40 years old
DoTerra Coach, Cancer Thriver, Yoga Teacher and Mom

What has been the most challenging part of Covid19/this time in history?
Blancing my work and my family life (which was a challenge before Covid as well). I have huge ego based ambitions that are at odds with spending so much time with my kids. I can learn and grow out of the expectations.  Learning acceptance and patience along the way.

What has given you strength/ are there any unexpected positives from Covid19?
Ironically also spending more quality time with my kids — and not running around from this place to the next. Slowing down, Observing nature more. And teaching yoga online, making virtual connections.

Who do you wear a mask for?
Because I am going through chemo, I am protecting myself.
Who do you wear a mask for? (Ed. Note: Every Monday, The Pandemic Lens publishes an image from Katherine Taylor’s “Masks of Boston” project. To date, Kathryn has photographed nearly...

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Monday “Masks of Boston” 2021 #1

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Who do you wear a mask for? (Ed. Note: Every Monday, The Pandemic Lens will publish an image from Katherine Taylor’s “Masks of Boston” project. Today's photo is a great...

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