Solace Driven

When I arrived in Philadelphia, I was disappointed by the lack of snow accumulation. However, 2021 was different. After a year of isolation and lack of the usual, a natural...

Monday “Masks of Boston” 2021 #14

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Who do you wear a mask for? (Ed. Note: Each Monday, The Pandemic Lens publishes an image from Katherine Taylor’s “Masks of Boston” project. To date, Kathryn has photographed nearly...

The Tender Time

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Why wouldn’t there be geese? After all, it’s nesting season here in Ohio. I’m sitting with my wife Cathy in the parking lot at the Franklin County Board of Elections,...

Finding Certainty and Self in COVID

The pandemic has changed much of what we took for granted. It has corroded the familiar and left many of us with uncertainty and doubt. I have seen the way...

2 Chord Too Bad

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Here's my reflections on experiences during this pandemic. They include memories of the piece I wrote and recorded as a teenager in South Africa. Today, in my 78th year, I...

Monday “Masks of Boston” 2021 #13

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Who do you wear a mask for? (Ed. Note: Each Monday, The Pandemic Lens publishes an image from Katherine Taylor’s “Masks of Boston” project. To date, Kathryn has photographed nearly...

Waiting and Watching

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In my lens-based composite, "Jailhouse Quartet," which I created in 2019, the grid is part of the rusted steel strap lattice that makes up the walls of the outdoor Kelso...

Hope and Faith in What Will Be

The pandemic has made my resolve to help people find the wonder in all of creation through my artistic lens even stronger.  The piece depicted here, Hope, was completed as...

Recording & Honoring

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Individually, or in combination, words have the power to evoke a range of human emotions: joy, humor, fear, grief, hope, love… That power, and how our interpretation of words, texts,...

Monday “Masks of Boston” 2021 #12

Katherine Taylor (self portrait) 
38 years old
Occupation: Photographer

What has been the most challenging part of Covid19/this time in history? 
I am someone who struggles with anxiety and at times feelings of safety in the world prior to this experience.  In the beginning, I felt a total panic of overwhelm that people were not safe and I was powerless to help.  That people who were most vulnerable could/would be overlooked and that many people were not taking serious steps to ensure safety. Also the general overwhelm of the gravity of this not just in my community but globally.

What has given you strength/ are there any unexpected positives from Covid19?
Realizing that safely I can help give others a voice to this time in our pandemic/history. 
That the moments of fear can turn into moments of reflection and points on which to take action. Finding a way to buy extra masks and safely distribute them to anyone any chance I get, essential workers, people on the street, anyone! The value of helping one another the best we all can. Staying in touch with dear friends in Africa, India, Brazil as well as at home. That connection to people in responsible ways is vital. Using creativity to reach outside the box.

Who do you wear a mask for?
I would call myself spiritual but never religious that said, I feel as though I have become a “mask missionary” during this time.  I feel passionate about social distancing and mask wearing for all.  I wear it as my civic duty, I wear it for the people I love, I wear it for the people you love, I wear it for the people who continue to selfless work in risky situations for the benefit of the community, I wear it for everyone on this planet going through this
Who do you wear a mask for? (Ed. Note: Each Monday, The Pandemic Lens publishes an image from Katherine Taylor’s “Masks of Boston” project. To date, Kathryn has photographed nearly...