Finding Order in the Chaos

Previous to the UK going into lockdown, I was planning to start a new series of work. But having taken delivery of canvases and paper, I found the country shut...

The Music Continues

Bass Player DSCF6505-2IG
On a recent bike ride along the Charles River in Boston, I came across a violinist and bass player filling the air with sweet jazz. I was especially taken by...

Socially-Distanced Painting

Kathryn_Geismar_In process painting the monk
The social isolation during the past six months of the pandemic has changed the way we live and the way we think about in-person human interactions.  I was curious to...

March 2020: Birthdays and a Pandemic…

March 12, 2020 was my wife’s birthday. I left early to go to a sales meeting in New Jersey from my apartment in Manhattan. An Uber picked me up at...

Welcome the Rain

Image 1 Umbella-CraigK-DSCF7111
I've been hoping for rain for two reasons. First and foremost, Massachusetts, like much of New England, has been in the midst of a significant drought for the past four...

Ebb Times

Pandemic Landscape 2 April 2020
In April of this year, as the apple trees were budding and an abundance of water fowl near my home were nesting in preparation for their eggs to hatch, The...

Pass the Wipes

Deadlines don’t care about pandemics, but it’s very challenging to craft a novel when the dumpster fire that is 2020 is more consuming than any work of fiction could ever...

Covid Reflections

As an artist, I seek to blend the contents of my mental and emotional world with selective components of external reality, often derived from photography and digital painting. Bits and...

Pandemic Shofar

StevenKushner B&W Pandemic Shofar-04928-B
We've all had to learn to adapt. Wearing masks. Maintaining social distance. Washing our hands more than we’d like. It's a new normal. Yet perhaps those who've felt it most...

PL Recommends: #3

This week we focus on…poignant creations of children who, although separated by oceans, share common feelings of loneliness and isolation…innovative ways to experience art and culture during the pandemic…and how...