We’re Back!

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As I walk around North Cambridge, MA for exercise and photo opportunities, I pay close attention to the storefronts and restaurants. Some are hanging in. Others have said their goodbyes...

Our Face of Ours is Revealed in the New Year

300px-Okumura, Jennifer Jean 'Knots of the mind, démasquer' oils 60x48 inches-
Art and its ability to elevate people inspire me and how I perceived 2020 felt like every day for creatives. On some level, art is life—telling a story or simply...

Finding Meaning in Feathers

Safety in numbers, no more
We can only speculate and wonder what the parrot-like petroglyphs in the North American Southwest, dated 5000 BC, or the ibis in Egyptian art, from 2000 BC, symbolized to their...

A Prayer in the Time of the Pandemic

During Covid, it's been challenging, at times, for me to make art, to quiet my thoughts and stop doom-scrolling on Twitter. The practice of daily painting has helped. But what...

The Stilling of Life

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In March of 2020, as the reality of the pandemic was sinking in, I realized that the focus of my photography would have to change. I like to do street...

Falling into Winter

C. J. Lori_Autumn Passing_oil on canvas_22x28_2020_sm
For many weeks, it was a glorious fall in Greater Boston. Knowing this time was fleeting, I tried to capture it in this painting. The leaves were changing color and...

Monday “Masks of Boston” 2021 #4

Who do you wear a mask for? (Ed. Note: Every Monday, The Pandemic Lens publishes an image from Katherine Taylor’s “Masks of Boston” project. To date, Kathryn has photographed nearly...

Hope Stayed in the Box

My paintings are my diary. And my diary is part therapy, part meditation, part practice in gratitude. Far less Pollyanna and far more survivalist, this brand of gratitude is simply...

A Tree Still Grows in Brooklyn

There are some who ignore the pandemic, as if it’s not really real. And there are those who have gone into hiding, waiting to come outside and play again. But...


Pretentious OKY is a project that was born at the beginning of 2020. Since I started it, I have taken it as a form of escape from the reality with...