Sub Zero Social Distancing

By Elisabeth Andenæs | March 3, 2021

As Covid came to Norway, and then throughout the lockdown, it felt as if the walls around me were closing in. The house where we spent almost every hour of every day seemed smaller and smaller and a growing need to seek refuge alone emerged. The woods and shorelines, on the other hand, felt spacious, and the cold air, clean and safe. Out there nobody was breathing behind you, and with my mask tucked away, it was like time was standing still. For a few hours I forgot everything that was going on, focusing on the beauty in the details of the ice crystals bathed in blue Nordic light.


Elisabeth Andenæs, Cold as Ice


Elisabeth Andenæs, Crystal Map


Many Norwegians have found joy adventuring outdoors during the pandemic, some to find a sense of normal, some to be social with less risk of infection, and some for exercise as all the gyms are closed down. It is in our nature…and for me it has been a major factor in keeping “sane” during these times….


Elisabeth Andenæs, Cold River Flows


Elisabeth Andenæs, Snow on Lake


Elisabeth Andenæs, On Top of Frozen Creek


Elisabeth Andenæs, Fragile Ground


Copyright © 2021 Elisabeth Andenæs

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