Leaving Covid

By Bette Ann Libby | November 22, 2020

My studio is filled with a curious assortment of raw materials, finished sculpture and mosaics, works in progress, notebooks of drawings, clippings, books and photos of places, and objects that fascinate and inspire me. Mosaics are created when fragments are united in a new order. Many of these narrative sculptures and mosaics embody my own mythology, which explores well-being, womanhood, and passages, using irony, humor, and metaphor to create the unexpected. Leaving Covid is part mythology, part coping and part wish fulfillment.


Bette Ann Libby, “Leaving Covid,” ceramic shard mosaic, 37”x17” 2020


Here our hero, Mother Nature, is confidently standing on the corona virus molecule, hands held aloft, while rescuing planet earth from danger! Masks fly free and we are saved from the pandemic!

In times of stress and life’s out-of-control circumstances, we need to create super heroes or mythology to rescue us when all else fails. If we can imagine this, perhaps it will happen.  Working in the studio during the pandemic has brought piece/peace of mind, and touching color brings happiness.

I am grateful to have a studio as an outlet. I hope that Leaving Covid brings a smile to the viewer and a glimmer of optimism!


Copyright © 2020 Steve Bennett

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