Dinner is Served

By Steve Bennett | August 26, 2020

I couldn’t resist substituting a mask for my napkin at a recent dinner get together with two if our neighbors in the “Driveway Bistro” (a parking space replete with designer lights and jazz music; no dress code). The evening was by normal measures a smashing success—-delicious food (chef hats off to my wife, Ruth), a well-paired wine, and best of all, great company. And while the dinner was a much-welcomed reprieve from our new not-so-normal routines,  there was still the constant reminder that even amongst friends you can’t let your COVID guard down—the virus plays by its own rules. We maintained a safe distance at all times. And of course, our masks were at the ready. Such is the new reality of dining beyond the four walls of your own house these days.


Dinner is served, Covidian style

Copyright © 2020 Steven Bennett
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  1. linda bennett on August 27, 2020 at 10:09 pm

    Love the place setting!

    • Steve Bennett on August 27, 2020 at 10:56 pm

      And I imagine you would have loved the food! Thanks for commenting, Lidna.

  2. Ellen Stross on October 13, 2020 at 11:12 am

    I love the wittiness of this!

    • Steve Bennett on October 13, 2020 at 3:44 pm

      Thanks for the kind words–glad you enjoyed it!

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