Monday “Masks of Boston” 2021 #4

Who do you wear a mask for? (Ed. Note: Every Monday, The Pandemic Lens publishes an image from Katherine Taylor’s “Masks of Boston” project. To date, Kathryn has photographed nearly 300 people from all walks of life. Visit Masks of Boston  to read the profile of each person and learn who they wear a mask…

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A Tree Still Grows in Brooklyn

There are some who ignore the pandemic, as if it’s not really real. And there are those who have gone into hiding, waiting to come outside and play again. But in Brooklyn, the pandemic is less an obstacle than an impediment. Life still goes on. Restaurants have usurped parking spots. Masks are ubiquitous with as…

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(This post refers to works by my late husband, Bill Oakes, a visionary, educator, and prolific painter.) This is an illustration Bill did for a newspaper.  I named it “Allegiance.”  Although Bill drew the piece years ago, it seems perfect for today’s inaugural even I hope all of the countries of the world can experience…

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Quarantine: Artists and Writers on Isolation

On March 22nd, 2020, the day of the shutdown, I left my home in New York City and drove with my daughter to my sister’s house in rural Massachusetts. It was a very tense time, and it seemed like leaving New York while we still could was a good idea. We basically quarantined there for…

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Monday “Masks of Boston” 2021 #3

Who do you wear a mask for? (Ed. Note: Every Monday, The Pandemic Lens publishes an image from Katherine Taylor’s “Masks of Boston” project. To date, Kathryn has photographed nearly 300 people from all walks of life. Visit Masks of Boston to read the profile of each person and learn who they wear a mask…

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“To submerge oneself in hazy, unsettled waters requires humbleness and a strong heart. Currents may drift you away from what you’re looking for, silencing the inner voice that will guide you through the darkness. But diving against strong currents shouldn’t scare you but give you the certainty that when you reach the shore, you’ll be…

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I started this painting on January 6, 2021, a day when the US registered nearly 4,000 Covid-19 deaths and political violence at the US capitol shook the nation. On that day, when an unruly mob breached and desecrated the capitol, much more than bricks and mortar were tested as we attempted to make sense of…

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A Letter to 2021

Dear 2021, The anticipation of your arrival has been like holding our collective breath under water. We heralded your coming, not with the usual frenzy of festivities, but with a quiet wonder and hope accompanied by soft whispers in the winter wind. “Things will be better now….” For we come from a time of disappointment…

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Monday “Masks of Boston” 2021 #2

Who do you wear a mask for? (Ed. Note: Every Monday, The Pandemic Lens publishes an image from Katherine Taylor’s “Masks of Boston” project. To date, Kathryn has photographed nearly 300 people from all walks of life. Visit “Masks of Boston” to read the profile of each person and learn who they wear a mask…

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Dark Matter, Dark Day

Yesterday marked a new high in the death toll in the US from COVID-19 (nearly 4,000), alongside a new low in the history of American democracy. I decided that this focus-stacked macro image, Dark Matter, expressed both events by depicting the chaos, uncertainty, and turbulence in the road ahead.     Copyright © 2021 Steven…

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