Drive-In Concerts

Concerts and gigs during the Covid-19 pandemic? Well, for most of us small-time musicians, life sort of came to a halt in the spring of 2020. Studio production could continue, online concerts could take place, and it has been a time for exploring our direction and compositional skills. However, the live music landscape had changed…

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Monday “Masks of Boston” 2021 #1

Who do you wear a mask for? (Ed. Note: Every Monday, The Pandemic Lens will publish an image from Katherine Taylor’s “Masks of Boston” project. Today’s photo is a great image for the start of the new year. To date, Kathryn has photographed nearly 300 people from all walks of life. Visit “Masks of Boston”…

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The Eyes Have It

In the movie The Wedding Date, an otherwise mediocre and utterly predictable rom-com, the male lead says to his date, who is obsessing over what clothes she should wear to a party, “Let me teach you a trick—if you look people in the eye, they won’t notice what you’re wearing.” The fact that it’s a…

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