
(This post refers to works by my late husband, Bill Oakes, a visionary, educator, and prolific painter.) This is an illustration Bill did for a newspaper.  I named it “Allegiance.”  Although Bill drew the piece years ago, it seems perfect for today’s inaugural even I hope all of the countries of the world can experience…

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United We Stand

(This post refers to works by my late husband, Bill Oakes, a visionary, educator, and prolific painter.)   It’s a good thing Bill didn’t live in these surreal times. He was so sensitive and always looked for the best in people. He would have been shocked and saddened by what is happening, as are many…

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The Power of a Tiny Light

(This post refers to works by my late husband, Bill Oakes, a visionary, educator, and prolific painter.) Halloween has come and gone but I’m still pondering how much scarier this year is than last year. The darkness enveloping everyone, due to the pandemic and multiple situations causing chaos, makes us all yearn for more light…

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Universal Connection

Bill Oakes, my late husband, would have had a lot to say about the pandemic and the role of artists in helping people to process what COVID 19 has wrought on our collective psyche. Here are two examples of his work that are relevant to current times. Bill painted “Ps 91:1” (the original 911 call)…

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