Motoring On

By Steve Bennett | November 14, 2020

When I began documenting the pandemic in my area, I was looking for the signs of distress that we’re all feeling. I still capture them whenever I can, but now I’m looking for moments of relief from the ever-present Covidian cloud hanging over our heads. Like this image from a recent photo walk along the Charles River in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The rider appeared from nowhere, as if she were floating above the ground, swaying and balancing with perfect grace.  And so fast—a moment after I captured her in the viewfinder, she was just a tiny blur at the far end of the road. Then she turned around for another high-speed run on her electric unicycle. And then another. A perfect metaphor for what we need to do—motor on with whatever grace and balance we can muster.



Copyright © 2020 Steve Bennett
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  1. Ellen Bennett on November 17, 2020 at 3:48 am

    Terrific capture, poignant message, Steve.

    • Steve Bennett on November 17, 2020 at 9:09 am

      Many thanks–it was a joy to see her fly by, even if for a brief moment! Yes–motor on!

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