Light in the Dark

By Jo Smith | January 3, 2021

I ran a small art gallery and studio for eleven years but was forced to close when the pandemic hit. Then, as the days shortened and I dreaded the coming of winter and being stuck indoors, I started sketching outside more. It was revelatory! I felt such a renewed and powerful connection to nature that greatly lessened my anxiety and loneliness. I had more time to explore my favourite theme of nocturnes and the sense of awe and magic I experience when under a night’s sky. I feel connected to my ancestors when I gaze upwards and that in turn eases my feelings of isolation. So, although I am often outside alone, I am filled full of wonder and love. The moon and stars are hope and connection—a little light in the dark of the pandemic.


Jo Smith, Crow Coast, oil and cold wax on stretched canvas, 20cm x 20cm 2020


Jo Smith, Here For You, oil and cold wax on beechwood panel, 30cm x 30cm 2020


Jo Smith, The Pull of the Moon, oil and cold wax on beechwood panel, 30cm x 30cm 2020


Jo Smith, Seeing Clearly in the Dark, oil and cold wax on beechwood panel, 30cm x 30cm 2020


Jo Smith, Rising Moon 1, oil and cold wax on beechwood panel, 30cm x 30cm 2020


Jo Smith, Rising Moon 2, oil and cold wax on beechwood panel, 30cm x 30cm 2020


Copyright © 2021 Jo Smith
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