A Road Not Taken

By Tanya Hayes Lee | October 1, 2020

So many roads were not taken in 2020. So many opportunities were squandered. There was the road where someone in the administration actually read the federal government’s 2016 Pandemic Playbook. The road where instead of lying President Trump told us how bad it was going to get so we could prepare and take precautions. The road where Congress understood that ending $600 a week in unemployment benefits would result in millions of children too hungry to learn even if their schools did reopen. The road where scientific advice on mask-wearing was not taken off the CDC website by politicians. And so many more….

But 2020 is not over, and roads that can lead us out of this morass of indifference and greed still remain. Vote on November 3.


“A Road Not Taken,” oil on canvas, 8”x8”x1.5”


“A Road Not Taken” is on view at honeyjones studio, 270A Concord Ave., Cambridge, Massachusetts

Copyright © 2020 Tanya Hayes Lee
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