By Nancy Crasco | August 17, 2020

A chance encounter with a damaged art catalog precipitated a collage project that collided with the pandemic. Early in the year, I found an art catalog on the “free” cart outside the entrance to the Encinitas, California, public library.  After perusing it, I realized that it was missing pages, but while browsing, I had a sudden inspiration to “reimage” the remaining reproductions by adding elements to alter the originals.  There was no orderly approach to my project, as I randomly moved between source materials and reproductions, first to create “Staying at Home,” a collage in which danger lurks at the edges of a tranquil scene.


“Staying at Home,” collage, 10.5″x9″ (2020)

I began the series when the pandemic was not yet a pandemic, and upon arriving in mid-March to a Massachusetts-in-quarantine, I continued.  Spending the majority of time at home, I was tolerantly “Waiting for Spring,” and the outdoor activities that warmer weather would allow.

“Waiting for Spring,” collage, 10.5″x9″ (2020)

But the Covid-19 virus was in an ever widening “Spiral,” and was at its height by mid-April. Finally, by the end of June, Massachusetts experienced a respite, like a “Whole Note” in a musical composition.

“Spiral,” collage, 10.5″x 9″ (2020)


“Whole Note,” collage, 10.5″x9″ (2020)Although I was not actively thinking about the virus or the quarantine while I worked, my subconscious was apparently leading the journey.  A title for each completed collage came easily, and they evoke my unspoken thoughts during the process.  When I complete all the collages, I will have a new, altered catalog entitled REIMAGED.

Copyright © 2020 Nancy Crasco
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